קוד ספר המדריך הרשמי!

שלום חברים!
שתצטרכו להקליד את הקוד בחוברת "המדריך הרשמי!"
תצטרכו לענות על שאלה אחת שקשורה למילה שכתובה בספר. כדי לדעת את התשובה, קראו את השאלה ובדקו אם התשובה שלה נמצאת כאן. השאלות מסודרות לפי מספר העמוד בשאלה (PAGE).
בחזרה למדריך לקודים המיוחדים- לחצו כאן
*כל השאלות והתשובות האפשריות נמצאות כאן!

Question: What word is on page 9, 4 words from the left on line 15?
Answer: Account

Question: What word is on page 11, 5 words from the left on line 19?
Answer: Birthday

Question: What word is on page 15, 3 words from the left on line 4?
Answer: Click

Question: What word is on page 15, 5 words from the left on line 10?
Answer: Activate

Question: What word is on page 35, 1 word from the left on line 12?
Answer: Misses

Question: What word is on page 35, 1 word from the left on line 21?
Answer: Sound

Question: What word is on page 38, 3 words from the left on line 8?
Answer: Scavenger

Question: What word is on page 38, 5 words from the left on line 3?
Answer: Express

Question: What word is on page 40, 5 words from the left on line 3?
Answer: Creating

Question: What word is on page 40, 10 words from the left on line 10?
Answer: Examples

Question: What word is on page 60, 3 words from the left on line 6?
Answer: Puffle

Question: What word is on page 61, 1 word from the left on line 13?
Answer: Inside

Question: What word is on page 61, 5 words from the left on line 8?
Answer: Decide

Question: What word is on page 63, 3 words from the left on line 11?
Answer: Snacks

Question: What word is on page 63, 4 words from the left on line 7?
Answer: Cookies

Question: What word is on page 64, 3 words from the left on line 9?
Answer: Fishing

Question: What word is on page 64, 8 words from the left on line 1?
Answer: Explore

Question: What word is on page 65, 2 words from the left on line 6?
Answer: Igloo

Question: What word is on page 65, 5 words from the left on line 10?
Answer: Storage

Question: What word is on page 70, 3 words from the left on line 9?
Answer: Script

Question: What word is on page 70, 6 words from the left on line 7?
Answer: Theater

Question: What word is on page 71, 2 words from the left on line 19?
Answer: Musical

Question: What word is on page 71, 7 words from the left on line 13?
Answer: Seats

Question: What word is on page 72, 3 words from the left on line 7?
Answer: Snowball

Question: What word is on page 73, 2 words from the left on line 4?
Answer: Search

Question: What word is on page 73, 8 words from the left on line 8?
Answer: School

Question: What word is on page 75, 6 words from the left on line 11?
Answer: Comfy

Question: What word is on page 75, 8 words from the left on line 5?
Answer: Tossing

Question: What word is on page 77, 5 words from the left on line 3?
Answer: Buying

Question: What word is on page 97, 2 words from the left on line 7?
Answer: Serious

Question: What word is on page 97, 3 words from the left on line 11?
Answer: Protect

Question: What word is on page 101, 1 word from the left on line 14?
Answer: Light

Question: What word is on page 101, 4 words from the left on line 8?
Answer: Donated

Question: What word is on page 105, 1 word from the left on line 8?
Answer: Platform

Question: What word is on page 105, 3 words from the left on line 12?
Answer: Climb

Question: What word is on page 117, 2 words from the left on line 12?
Answer: Uniforms

Question: What word is on page 117, 8 words from the left on line 3?
Answer: Jerseys

Question: What word is on page 118, 1 word from the left on line 8?
Answer: Squads

Question: What word is on page 118, 4 words from the left on line 4?
Answer: Fashion

Question: What word is on page 131, 5 words from the left on line 3?
Answer: Crowd

Question: What word is on page 131, 8 words from the left on line 9?
Answer: Gather

Question: What word is on page 133, 4 words from the left on line 2?
Answer: Controls

Question: What word is on page 133, 5 words from the left on line 8?
Answer: Arrow

Question: What word is on page 135, 4 words from the left on line 8?
Answer: Hidden

Question: What word is on page 135, 7 words from the left on line 3?
Answer: Party

Question: What word is on page 137, 4 words from the left on line 6?
Answer: Document

Question: What word is on page 137, 4 words from the left on line 8?
Answer: Latest

Question: What word is on page 139, 2 words from the left on line 11?
Answer: Button

Question: What word is on page 139, 5 words from the left on line 5?
Answer: Antenna

Question: What word is on page 140, 4 words from the left on line 7?
Answer: Screen

Question: What word is on page 140, 6 words from the left on line 4?
Answer: Breeze

Question: What word is on page 141, 1 word from the left on line 11?
Answer: Combined

Question: What word is on page 141, 7 words from the left on line 2?
Answer: Objects

Question: What word is on page 143, 2 words from the left on line 18?
Answer: Secret

Question: What word is on page 143, 4 words from the left on line 5?
Answer: Simply

Question: What word is on page 149, 4 words from the left on line 10?
Answer: Duplex

Question: What word is on page 149, 5 words from the left on line 4?
Answer: Reveal

Question: What word is on page 152, 6 words from the left on line 4?
Answer: Chance

Question: What word is on page 153, 3 words from the left on line 12?
Answer: Blazing

Question: What word is on page 153, 4 words from the left on line 7?
Answer: Owners

Question: What word is on page 154, 4 words from the left on line 8?
Answer: Arena

Question: What word is on page 154, 5 words from the left on line 9?
Answer: Buddies

Question: What word is on page 155, 5 words from the left on line 8?
Answer: Pumpkin

Question: What word is on page 155, 6 words from the left on line 2?
Answer: Queen

Question: What word is on page 156, 5 words from the left on line 8?
Answer: Entire

Question: What word is on page 156, 7 words from the left on line 6?
Answer: Extreme

Question: What word is on page 159, 1 word from the left on line 4?
Answer: Guests

Question: What word is on page 159, 2 words from the left on line 11?
Answer: Chat

Question: What word is on page 163, 3 words from the left on line 12?
Answer: Friend

Question: What word is on page 164, 7 words from the left on line 6?
Answer: Place

Question: What word is on page 165, 4 words from the left on line 6?
Answer: Toolbar

Question: What word is on page 166, 7 words from the left on line 6?
Answer: Emote

Question: What word is on page 167, 9 words from the left on line 2?
Answer: Keys

Question: What word is on page 169, 1 word from the left on line 16?
Answer: Start

Question: What word is on page 171, 5 words from the left on line 7?
Answer: Annual

Question: What word is on page 172, 2 words from the left on line 10?
Answer: Twinkled

Question: What word is on page 174, 4 words from the left on line 3?
Answer: Hovering

Question: What word is on page 175, 2 words from the left on line 8?
Answer: Crown

Question: What word is on page 176, 1 word from the left on line 9?
Answer: Whistle

Question: What word is on page 177, 2 words from the left on line 20?
Answer: snorkel

Question: What word is on page 179, 4 words from the left on line 17?
Answer: Penguins

Question: What word is on page 180, 9 words from the left on line 8?
Answer: How

Question: What word is on page 182, 4 words from the left on line 7?
Answer: Actions

Question: What word is on page 183, 5 words from the left on line 10?
Answer: Break

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